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Điểm thi kết thúc học phần cao học ngành Vật lý điện tử – hướng ứng dụng K26
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Điểm thi kết thúc học phần cao học ngành Kỹ thuật điện tử – hướng ĐTVTMT K26
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2018 POSTECH Open Lab Program
2018 POSTECH Open Lab Program 2018 POSTECH Open Lab Program is designed to provide international exchange students with not only research participation opportunities but also various cultural activities during the summer vacation. Please kindly share the following information and attached materials with your students. Eligibility: Currently enrolled 3rd year undergraduate students in partner universities of...
China-AUN Scholarship (Chinese Government Scholarship – AUN Program) 2018/2019
China-AUN Scholarship (Chinese Government Scholarship – AUN Program) 2018/2019. The China-AUN Scholarship is a full scholarship established by the Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China, to sponsor students, teachers, and scholars from ASEAN nations to study in China and to enhance the academic exchange and mutual understanding between China and ASEAN members. For academic year 2018-2019,...